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Oct 7th 2018...Remus has left the building!

The special day has arrived and Remus has left our care for his new home with Dave Blackburn and Joanne Hodder. We are over the moon that our little miracle puppy has survived and found the most amazing home. Thank you both.

So many people to thank, firstly Fenton Vets for the amazing and specialist care he has received, they really are life savers!

Then June, who has given up her life to wait on Remus every need for the past month. Liz Price from DRUE for her support throughout. Marianne Pettifor for the Pettifors Trust contribution towards Remus Vet bill and then each and every person that sent a donation, a small gift, a prayer or wish of wellness. Together we managed to pull this pup out of the jaws of death and he will now go on to hopefully live a long and happy life with his Dobie older sister!

Please keep us updated Dave and Joanne we cannot wait to see his progress! Have a good life little one. See below for Remus journey with us.....

3rd Sept....We have been notified of a poorly Doberman pup needing thevets. After a quick chat, it was decided it best he came in to Rescue and saw our vets immediately. Huge thank you to Fenton Vets for speedy and excellent service, We have christened him Remus and he’s now on a heat pad and a drip and we await blood results.

4th Sept ...Angels if we've ever needed a miracle it’s now!! The vets have called it’s not looking good. Remus has two interceptions one in small intestine one at the colon. To save him they’ll have to remove one meter of intestine! We’ve told them to try but they’re not hopeful 

We can’t let him go without at least trying

Greenacres Rescue will not give up on an animal because of a financial implication so the last thing I say to the vet each time is ‘whatever he needs he will have’ and so far it’s working!

Are we sure he will survive? Honestly? No we're not BUT there’s one thing we can be sure of and that’s he has a much better chance than he would if we’d done nothing.

Remus bill stands at £2500 so far so we are asking all our wonderful animal loving friends to donate just a couple of pound! It would be a huge help and his treatment will be ongoing for sometime so will mean we can keep giving him the absolute best.

Donations can be sent on the website:

Sending via PayPal to

Or Bank Transfer to HSBC 
Sort Code: 40 23 21 A/C 01580299

Thank you to those already donated and thank you for your kind words, prayers and wishes 

5th Sept....We don’t want to tempt fate and he’s really not out of the woods but Remus is definitely looking brighter. He’s shown some interest in a tiny amount of food and is enjoying all the fuss.

Here he is this morning :)

6th Sept....Just been to see Remus again this morning and he continues to do very well. He’s got the whole veterinary team wrapped around his little paw. They are really pleased with his progress and we have made the plan the if he continues to improve as he is he could be discharged on Friday afternoon.  He’s a monkey...He’s very happy, and shouting for attention!
Meds this morning then drip off after he’s had his meds... eating like a trooper!! 
Progressing Every minute

Remus already has an excellent foster home offer and future planned with DRUE but we are still playing everything day by day.

Huge thank you for everyone’s kind donations today, Remus really does have an army of people behind him! And for that he and we will always be eternally grateful. He really is a special boy

7th Sept......Remus continues to do well, quick chat with the vet nurse this morning and we will discuss with Vet this afternoon the next step. Looking at discharging maybe this afternoon or tomorrow. He’s on all of his meds orally now as well! 

Good boy Remus step closer to recovery!

Sept 8th.....Brilliant news today! 

Remus has been discharged into foster care just a few minutes from the practice. His feeding tube has been removed and I’ve chatted with his fosterer and he seems to be settling ok. Showing interested in the calm whippets he will live with!

Thank you to June for fostering him! Let’s hope this stage goes well.....we will keep you posted!

What a difference in just a week. So much love has brought this fab little guy through so far. Huge thank you to everyone for the amazing donations & well wishes!

Sept 10th....Remus update and all is going well he’s bright and active but he has lost 100g, our Vets are not overly concerned all things considered. He was so happy having lots of attention today at Fenton vets, even took a small treat of the practice manager!

Made a plan for his feeding and as long as no problems plan to recheck in a week. Next milestone will be some weight gain that will make everyone very happy. 

Six days clear of surgery and he’s still with us!#miraclesdohappen

14th Sept....FANTASTIC Remus update..... Had a weigh in today with his favorite nurse Kim Griffiths and he has gained 200g!! June his foster mum is doing a simply amazing job! He looks bright and very well, inquisitive and much more like a puppy should! 

17th Sept....AMAZING NEWS! Remus had a check up this afternoon and has gained 500g! He’s now up to 7.1kg! June is doing a remarkable job and we think we can say he has turned the corner! 

With your fantastic support, donations and kind words, along with some amazing veterinary skills at Fenton Vets we have saved this little lads life! 

Brilliant outcome. Well done and thank you to everyone involved, especially June who has put her life on hold to nurse Remus! We are already in conversations with his new Mum and Dad about how to manage the transition into their care so we will post more about this when plans are finalised! 

Job well done GREEN ARMY job well done!!

19th Sept.....Not such good news for our Remus today. He has had a recurrence of diarrhea  & has lost some weight. He is being closely monitored by our fabulous vets at Fenton & has a new course of antibiotics. Come on boy, you can do this!! 

29th Sept......Remus Update: Sorry the updates have been a bit slow, but not really much to report. He’s doing well and at his last vet visit he had gained weight. Weighing in at 7.4kg the heaviest he has been. He is now pretty much eating an excellent puppy food which keeps him far more content and satisfied.

Yesterday was a big day! He had a wonderful visit from Dave Joanne and Boo! They ADORED him and he them. They are not put off by the fact he still has a long road ahead and no really knows what the future hold but they will love him regardless. We have another vet check up Tuesday and all being well we will start making plans for him to transition to his new home.

Happy Remus Update!! 2nd Oct 2018

Today Remus saw Shaun the Vet that has led his surgery and treatment, and it’s been decided that he is now ready to move to his forever home. He has a long way to go, and his new owners are fully aware of what may lie ahead. We feel that we are not doing anything now that couldn’t be done in his new home, so it’s been decided that Remus will make the leap to pastures new this weekend!

It’s been an emotional journey with huge amounts of support, support that we will be eternally grateful for. Special thanks to Fenton Vets and Remus fosterer and nurse June, who for the last month has put her life on hold to answer his every demand, and it’s paid off. Thank you to EVERYONE that donated, prayed and wished him well.

Stories like this make all the rubbish we deal with worthwhile, from a very sickly pup I scooped up to now going off to live what I hope will be a long and happy life!

Enjoy mate, you deserve every bit of it. 

About the author

Greenacres Animal Rescue

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